Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Mean What I Say

You don't have to answer my questions
'Coz by not answering them, I get your answer
You don't have to reply my texts
I know why you don't want to
You don't have to know how I feel
I don't want u to feel the worst kind of suffering
You just have to be OK
If you're OK then I'll be OK as well....

I've waited for someone for 2 years just to end up she hating me so much
I'll wait for you more than 2 years time 
Will you end up hating me as well?

I'm not wasting my time, my dear friends..
I mean what I say
And here I am proving it to your eyes
Yeah, maybe she doesn't care but I do
Ask yourself
Your exbf/exgf once told you
"I love you forever"
But why he/she became your ex?
I do what I do best
Killing myself slowly by waiting a long lost impossible so called L.O.V.E
I mean what I say, I don't just say things blindly.... 

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