Monday, October 26, 2009


Arini cam kureng sket kot...
1- Tetibe cam sedey2 sket =( ade a sebabnye...huhu
2- Tersentap sbb memikirkan exam yang dah agak dekat...
3- Abang kol dari Portsmouth....rindu siot....

The only thing that makes me sad is thinking about myself...
Pelik...??? X faham....??? or takut nak faham...???
Lately, the feeling that haunts me back in the days came back...
I felt quite different this time...
Taw x psl pe???(mcm la ade org nk jwb..sape bace blog ko ni ngok)

Ternyata tiada apa lagi yang sering membuat hati ku gusar
dan hanya satu perkara sahaja yang membangkitkan rasa sebak dan kecewa
If I continue writing...
Some may say that I'm desperate...
Some may say that I shouldn't really think about girls ryte now...
Some may believe that I'm the only person who felt this way..
And others may say lots of things behind my back with their own pre-judgements...

It has been 2 years since I felt this way...
'til I met this girl ( actually I already knew her earlier but still the case remains )
I felt the affection..and was hoping that she also feels the same..
Know what..?? She actually did feel that way ( with a HUGE MAYBE) huhu...
Maybe because at that time she needed a friend to talk to...
A friend that could actually cheer her up and continue to fall for her..
A mate that is always there for her coz she's really DOWN at that moment...
or otherwise..i don't know

Until 1 day she suddenly ignores me and kinda stopped contacting me....
Out of the blue she's just not being herself... ; "U taw x u dah lain gle ni...What hpnd???"
She doesn't even bother 2 answer that Q
Until now the Q remains unsolved and the mystery is yet to be unlocked...

Ryte now...
I feel that I'm being used again ; "you're such a jerk, Alif" ( kinda true )
but I'm still waiting for her...
because I've made an oath saying that....
"She's the last one...And if something ever happen between me and her,
I wish to make things up for her so that nothing could stand between us
There should never be any confession of affection
Wait for a few years...when the time is right...I should confess to her and make her mine forever
If I ended up with disappointment and hurt, and if she can never be mine
If she's with someone because I wont confess
Then let her be that way 
Because I've tried...And there'll never be anyone to replace her...
Love and Affection does not require a person to confess to someone
Because when a guy say that the girl means so much to him
and he did everything he could to pamper her heart and care for her
and he calls to make sure she's still breathing
his heart pounded because he's afraid to lose that girl
when the words coming out from him are all beautiful and gentle to the heart
That's when u know he has fall for you... 

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