Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm feeling soooo ppppffffttttttt.....

Would u dance, if I ask u to dance,
Would u run, and never look back
Would u cry, if U saw me crying
Would you save my soul, tonight.....

Today was quite a pppfffftttt day...
Exam is currently doing a 180 mph lap near the corner...(L-A-M-E)
-Prepared 4 the exam...= EYYHHHHHHH!!!!!dah prepare... kalau bg esok pon konfem bole bwat..YELAAAAA exam kan senang....(B***S***)
-Then pegy la study.. =EYYYYHHHHH!!!!xstudy pon...reference book depan mate ni ak nk maen conteng2 je....ak spend 5 jam every nyte depan buku n notes SAJE SAJE JE...(DOOOSSHHHH...)
But still, she seems to be more important to me than my exams...
Although I know someday and somehow she'll find her true love....somehow she'll just disappear...
Come on la.... REALITY CHECK!!!!!!!
1. rambut kerinting...."EEEEWWWWWWW!!!"..a girl once reacted to me that way....(yep's u who i'm talking about..)
2. muke tiada dalam pasaran terkini...(duhhhhh)
3. dompet penuh...penuh hutang ade a....
4. RUDE...that's what Stephanie said behind my back coz I'm always active in LAN class 
5. No luck....there's always some other person who manage to get the girl I'm hitting on...ALWAYS THAT WAY......(konfem a......)
And maybe someday.....she'll just go....just like that.....
"I'm used to it"....."Mmhmmm..."..."yako..."..."jangan la marah sangat..."
Some of her favourite words..
For once I hope these will always be my lullaby
and that once is always.....back then,now,tomorrow,and forever.....

1 comment:

sheera said...

weh jek . mama ni haha follow blog aku ;D