Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ordinary Schmocinary....HUHHHHH???

the title explains it all's still a normal day...
No..I didn't do anything stupid to call the day Schmocinary...
Maybe..I found life quite interesting today....

Isn't it interesting how people can CHANGE in just a few days????
How people may be influenced by their surroundings as in friends or time???
Try this...
It's somehow interesting when someone can change his/her perspective towards someone else by just browsing through their pics and noticed that he/she isn't exactly who u think he/she is.......
In some ways it's actually terrifying to know these facts...
People may try their best to not think about it and wish that we don't know the person in the first place...
It makes us scared to make friends and socialise so that the same thing won't happen again - the fact that our good judgement towards someone turns out to be not true...
Appearances are BIG FAT LIARS...
One day she's looking very modest and kind-hearted and gentle...The next day she appears to be the opposite
One day she's so well dressed....The next day she's wearing hot pants and not proper...
In the first place, she's so soft-spoken and kind...The next thing u heard from her are curses and swears all the way...

Oh...How I wish that they can be the way I want them to be
Coz believe it or not
I always look and tell myself that everyone is good and nice
Until one day each and every one of 'em
Proves me wrong....
They themselves had proven to me that
They are not like what I was hoping them to be...
Should I say thanks or should I congratulate them....
Either way, it makes no difference

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