Sunday, November 15, 2009

Significance of me...

Am i just a box of tissue,
Soft..Gentle...White in colour...

-Soft so that when u're hurt by 'HIM'
 when memories of him haunts u back

 coz u still think of him but u actually dun want 2
I'll comfort u..with my soft-spoken words..and other stuffs i said 2 u which u called 'sweet'

-Gentle so if someone is angry with you or u're having problems, i'll be there to calm u down...
and i'll be the one who cares for you
who cant sleep yet unless u're asleep first
who will pamper your heart so dearly...until u're ok

-White so that u can do anything 2 me
u can paint me
red with ur anger..i'll be the place 4 u 2 let go evryting
u can draw your memories with him..and i'll silent myself and let u be happy for dat
u can just do anything coz u noe i'll be perfectly fine with u along...

Am i just a box of tissue??????
U can just take a peel anytime for your own good
And just throw it away coz there's a whole lot more where that came from
I'll wipe ur tears
I'll cover ur wound
I'm just gonna stay here with you

But remember one thing
As long as u're ok
I'm ok
As long as u need me
I'll be there 4 u

But im just a box of tissue
i dont even know how many peels are there left
I have 2 ask u 2 get the answer
Will i ever get the chance to wipe your tears again????
U make the call
But for me....
I'll just stay with you until u no longer need me....

klmm rof laiceps.... 

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