Monday, November 16, 2009

Without Her Again

Where can I pluck such a beautiful rose
With the sun so bright it shines and glares
Prettiness without doubt and compare
Because, dear, U are the most

Where is the largest ocean or sea
Which I haven't sail or conquer yet
Will you be on this boat dancing with me
That's when our eyes twinkled and met
Hi there peeps =) =) =) =)
*ssssshhh u're starting to think that there's someone who actually read ur blog
It's kinda late but I can't sleep so here I am writing this
*u're being delusional alif..who the hell cares...

It's been a while now
Her voice doesn't seem to be my lullaby anymore
Her texts as well
They seem to be missing from my inbox.....

Maybe coz she's too busy
or maybe she doesn't need a tissue anymore
*read my previous post 2 understand the tissue thingy
I'm suppose to feel normal now coz it has been 2 years since I had a gf
This is suppose to be normal
BUT I'M NOT!!!!!!!

Maybe because u mean so much to me
N I've been trying to tell u this every time we texted
And I've said it a few times to u
And I'm serious bout dat....
Truly hope dat u understand


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